AKFA Group planted trees in two districts of Tashkent

Akfa Group
05 April, 2024
AKFA Group planted trees in two districts of Tashkent

As part of its own initiative, Yashil Toshkent Akfa Group planted trees in the Yangikhayot and Uchtepa districts of Tashkent

As one of the flagships of industry in Uzbekistan, AKFA Group regularly holds events aimed at greening cities and achieving environmental sustainability. In 2024, a group of companies announced the launch of the Yashil Toshkent eco-promotion. As part of this initiative, more than 100 AKFA Group employees took part in hashar and planted trees in the Yangikhayot and Uchtepa districts of the capital.

Tree planting in Yangikhayot district

During the meeting, AKFA Group and Schüco agreed to jointly implement large projects that meet the most modern design and construction standards. Issues that would further enhance mutually beneficial cooperation between companies were also discussed.

The Yashil Toshkent campaign started on March 30, 2024 in the Yangi Turmush mahalla of the Yangikhayot district of the capital. On this day, employees of AKFA Group, together with colleagues from the companies IMZO and Flowers Garden, worked to create a new public space for recreation and leisure for residents.

Maple and catalpa seedlings, as well as evergreen shrubs, were planted on the territory of the mahalla.

Mature trees with a trunk diameter of 15 to 20 centimeters were selected for planting. This means that in the near future they will begin to provide shade and delight residents with their flowering.

Tree planting in Uchtepa district

The next location for the Yashil Toshkent environmental campaign was the Bogobod mahalla in the Uchtepa district. On April 5, seedlings of catalpa and perennial ornamental shrubs were planted here.

Together with representatives of district khokimiyats and mahalla activists, AKFA Group will continue to monitor the condition of planted trees and shrubs.

AKFA Group expresses gratitude to the khokimiyats of Yangikhayot and Uchtepa districts, as well as residents of the Yangi Turmush and Bogobod mahallas for their assistance in planting trees. In the future, AKFA Group plans to increase the number of locations to implement the Yashil Toshkent initiative and regularly new environmental campaigns.

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