Emotional intelligence of a leader: The training of Radislav Gandapas for AKFA Group

Akfa Group
26 october, 2020
Emotional intelligence of a leader: The training of Radislav Gandapas for AKFA Group

The corporate university of the AKFA Group organized training for employees with foreign ex-pat.

Under the guidance of a well-known business coach Radislav Grandpas, the top management and employees of AKFA Group trained on the topics: "Leader's Emotional Intelligence" and "Leader's Cross" on October 23-24.


Radislav Gandapas is the most famous leadership specialist in Russia. Member of the TOP 30 Global Gurus list. President of the Association of CIS Speakers. Author of 10 books and 14 films on leadership and public speaking.

The participants learned how to use management resources more productively, the ability to unite employees, and also involve them in achieving common goals in the two-day training.


Each of the two pieces of training is focused on mastering various tools to avoid conflicts that may arise between managers and subordinates. Moreover, specialists talked about the effective way of motivating both themselves and others. Also, as well as the most important distinguishing features of the management of a leader.


- The training contributes essential value to both the management of the company and for its employees. The training will allow you to pour fresh air into the company, as well as look at the familiar picture with a new look. - says the head of the department "Corporate University" Ozoda Saidkarimova. - Everything that the students learned at the training would be complex to convey in their daily work.


Business trainer Radislav Gandapas showed the training participants how to quickly recover from stressful loads, as well as how to use energy effectively to achieve their goals.


The corporate university of the AKFA group of companies, being an expert in the development of the company's human capital, will continue to organize and conduct various pieces of training, including with the involvement of foreign experts.

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