A solemn event was held dedicated to the International Day of Disabled Persons at the auxiliary school No. 25 on December 3 in Tashkent City. The purpose of this date is to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities.
On the eve of the international holiday, AKFA Group organized an event named "Beloved Children of the Motherland". We wanted to emphasize how important the younger generation is for us with this name.
This little holiday in this school was organized second time by the AKFA Group.
Children and adults with disabilities are in constant need of help. Therefore, our goal is to create an environment in which people with special needs would have equal access to education, health care, and employment.
In auxiliary school # 25, conditions have been created to unleash the potential of each student. After the compulsory program, schoolchildren can develop their talents in a hairdressing classroom, a dance club. Boys and girls from school # 25 enjoy drawing, playing football, and even taking an interest in fashion. Exactly a year ago, on the initiative of the parents and with the active support of the school administration, a fashion show circle "Fashion 25" was organized.
At the festive event, children demonstrated their talents: they recited poems, sang songs, presented a collection of clothes.
AKFA Group, in turn, presented children with a magical holiday with the participation of animators, magicians, and jugglers. At the end of the event, schoolchildren were handed drawing sets.
For information: Secondary school No. 25 for children with disabilities has been operating in the Yakkasaray district of Tashkent since 1995. In recent years, a lot has changed in the educational institution - the classrooms have become more comfortable and modern, a flourishing courtyard with a cozy gazebo for an extended day group has appeared, and two football fields have also been built.