"Sen Yashaysan" charity event

Akfa Group
01 June, 2024
"Sen Yashaysan" charity event

AKFA Group held a traditional charity event "Sen yashaysan" ("You will live"). As part of the Sen Yashaysan charity event, AKFA Group, together with the AKFA Medline University Clinic, financed operations for children under the age of 15 with severe forms of congenital heart defects (CHD).

Traditionally, for many years, AKFA Group has been lending a helping hand to everyone who needs it, organizing charitable assistance for low-income families.

According to statistics, every 100 newborns are born with congenital heart defects. Congenital heart defects (CHD) are a group of diseases in which patients have anatomical defects in the structure of a vital organ.

It is known that throughout the world this disease is one of the most common causes of death in children under 1 year of age. Taking this situation into account, AKFA Group expressed its desire to help boys and girls suffering from congenital heart defects:

“AKFA Group, as a socially responsible company, could not ignore the topic of congenital heart disease in children,” said the general director of the holding, Bakhodir Abdullaev. “We understand the difficult life situation families find themselves in, in which one of the happiest events – the birth of a child – is also associated with a serious diagnosis.

Families from all regions of Uzbekistan can take part in the Sen Yashaysan charity event.

By healing children's hearts, AKFA Group gives children the opportunity to build a happy future, and gives parents back hope and meaning in their lives.

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